Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday is my P-Day!‏

I have 40 minutes left to write so I will say as much as I can. First off, Letters take 1 and 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks to get here. Usually two weeks! If anyone sends packages use regular US postal service. I get one hour to email every Tuesday. Email is great for extended family and I'm pretty sure even friends. It just really is the easiest especially here in Mexico City and in Honduras. What I do is I print off the emails early tuesday morning and read them through and think about my response so I can type most of the hour later that day. I'm pretty sure I get stuff on Fridays so that is also an option. I just don't quite know how it works. Letters are great they just take a while! Oh and you guys probably have the wrong MTC address. The letters will still get here but here is the right address:
Carr. Tenayuca-Chalmita No. 828,
Col. Zona Escolar, Deleg. G.A. Madero,
C.P. 07230, Mexico, D.F.; Mexico.
Please share that address with family and friends. Gracias!
My companion is great! He is a really hard worker and is helping me a lot with the language. His name is Elder Christopherson. He is from Fresno California and is the oldest of 9 kids! 4 are adopted. He really is a great! He is super loving and supportive which has helped a lot. My District is super awesome! We laugh a lot together and get along really well. I wish I had time to share more about each one of them but they are growing to be great friends. :) The food here is pretty good. Sometimes its great! and when its not that good the cold cereal and peanut butter and nuttella get me by. haha. Mom I really miss your food a lot! But I'm getting enough to eat and that's all that really matters. Being here at the CCM is the hardest thing I have ever done. I was feeling really discouraged but Elder Scott gave a missionary devotional broadcast last night and he said exactly what I needed to hear. I felt like he was speaking directly to me. The language is the hardest thing for me. I have been praying harder than ever. I know that it will come it's just going to take time and a lot of hard work. My Branch President is really awesome and very supportive. He knows Carlos Alvarez! The temple was awesome! There were escalators in the temple! haha Ahhh I'm running out of time. There is so much more I want to tell you. 

I pray and think of you guys everyday. This is super super super hard but its getting easier and its making me a better man of God. There is always someone here that helps me in someway every time I get discouraged. I love you! Keep praying! God is real and loves each and everyone of us and knows how to make more out of our life than we ever could.
Love Elder Conover


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