Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 3!

Elders Christopherson, Conover, Ashton, and Bird, Eric's roommates

Hola Familia!
My week has been great! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I also think and pray for you guys!:) General Conference was incredible! Before conference I wrote down around 12 questions I wanted answered and either by the words that were said or the spirit, every one of my questions was answered more than once. I know that God speaks through his servants. I KNOW that President Monson is God's prophet on the Earth today. I feel truly blessed to be a missionary at this time. 80,000 plus missionaries and 15 million members! Missionary work truly is the greatest thing I could ever be apart of and like what was said more than once during conference, sharing the gospel is the most important duty that all of us have. I know that as you share the gospel back at home Heavenly Father will bless you in all areas of your life. Did you see the video and pictures of the Mexio MTC?! The picture of the classroom is the exact room I study in! Today we went to the temple and I did the whole session in Spanish! It was intense! 

I am very happy with my little brothers name, Cannon! I mentioned to Dad in my email to him last week that Cannon can help "cannon" us all back to Heavenly Father. I know that he is a special boy and I'm so excited for his birth. I wish that I could be there to help. I and others here will keep you in our prayers. I'm grateful that you have support like Sis. Olson [I told him of her generous offer to help paint the baby's room] there to help out. 

I'm feeling the Spirit more  and more here and the language gets better everyday. I really gained a strong testimony this conference from Elder Eyring's talk that Heavenly Father has a specific plan for each one of us to make it back Home to Him. The first counselor of the presidency here at the CCM gave a great talk Sunday morning and taught that all of us have the potential to be Kings and Queens and each have our own Princes and Princesses. I know that this is the plan of HAPPINESS. Always remember who´s Kingdom we belong to and what our destiny is. Decisions really do determine destiny. I have had little moments where the gift of tongues truly has helped me say what I needed to say, it's amazing. I know Jesus Christ lives. We watched The Testaments Sunday night and I received a strong spiritual witness that Jesus Christ really does live again, and that He is perfect, and that He knows each one of us, and that He will come again. He is the WAY. Through Him we come to God. That is why I'm out here on a mission to bring people to Christ so that through Him they can return to God and become a King or Queen like Him. This is my testimony. En el nombre de Jesu Cristo Amen.
Please tell Brother Golden and Ben Robison thank you for their letters. They meant a lot. 

Mexico City!

Hermano Osorio, "Diego"

The first picture is Hermono Osorio and I. He teaches us in the mornings. He hardly speaks any English at all and has helped me learn so much about the Gospel and the Language. He is also one of our investigators "Diego". The second picture is Hermono Florez. He teaches us in the afternoons. He speaks a little more English but we speak very little English during lessons. He is our other investigator "Mario". Both of these men are incredible teachers. I couldn't ask for anything better than them. Everything we learn helps us fulfill our purpose to bring others to Christ. I have grown to love these men very much. They are so patient and loving to me. They rock! :)
Hermano Florez, "Mario"

 Look at Pedro on the yellow bike with Pegs!!:) haha I took these pictures driving home from the temple today. We couldn't quite figure out why all the police with shields were lined up on both sides of the road. Outside of the CCM it is a new world. While I'm here at the CCM I hardly remember I'm in one of the biggest most dangerous cities in the World. It's fun driving to the temple and back. You see some cool stuff and many things that are very humbling.

Love Elder Conover

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