Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

First time since my baptism being in the water of a baptismal font (for the living):)

Dear Family,

Where we normally write is out of service right now. We didn't get to these other computers until way later than we would have liked but I will try to write as much as I can. 

On Saturday we baptized Joanh! He is 15 years old. He is awesome! A great young man in the ward named Suami is his best friend. Suami deserves all the credit because every week he brings Joanh to seminary, and church, and is with us every lesson with Joanh. We are so happy because Joanh will always have the support system of Suami. I was blessed with the opportunity to baptize Joanh.  It was my first time since my baptism back in Orem in 2003 that I've been in the water of a baptismal font. That is doing baptisms for the living. It was different from the river in Sonaguera but just as wonderful the experience. It is a very special thing being in the waters of baptism with someone who you teach and teach and love so much. Elder Reid and Elder Duran in the same district as us also had a baptism at the same time. A boy named Marvin. The baptismal service went great the only bummer was somehow the young man who was taking pictures for me with my camera erased all my pictures! ahh!!! It is quite sad. The good news is I have all the pictures saved on my flash drive up until the baptism of Skarlet. Today I transferred the pictures Elder Flores has from Skarlet's baptism, ¨christmas¨, and Joanh's baptism to my flash drive. Things could have been a lot worse. I'm so glad I had almost all my pictures saved. I have no clue how all the pictures were erased. But anyways the baptism was awesome! I'm so happy that we have investigators who are progressing. 
Sunday, Moms birthday! Before church we went to pass by an investigator that we have to walk with her and her kids to church. When we got to the house she told us she wanted to go but wasn't going to be able to because she ran out of a specific powdered milk named two pints that her kids needed and none of the pulperias(the small stores all over the place) sell this milk. Only the big stores in the center do. But guess what?! That is the exact milk that we had in the house and have been using! My companion saw they had two bikes and asked her if we could borrow the bikes and ride back to our house and grab the milk and then head to church. Jahaira the Mom said that they would get ready as they waited. It was an awesome ride back to the house. Just like good ole times mtn biking back home. The only difference, the bike. It worked good enough though and we hauled back to the house, grabbed the milk, rode back to her house, and made it to church just as the Bishop was opening. Not only was it a fun experience, but a great testimony builder that there are no coincidences with an omniscient being, our Heavenly Father. Another similar experience happened later that night also. We were visiting people with Suami and our ward mission leader. We wanted to visit Manuel but he wasn´t home. We talked there in the street for a little bit about who else we could visit and then remembered Manual's next door neighbor was given to us as a reference a few days earlier by a member. Right as we walked to the front of the house the Mom named Digna was panicking and telling us that her heart was hurting so bad. She was trying to talk with someone on the phone and wasn't able to connect. With George, the ward mission leaders, phone we helped her connect. She told us that her Dad is about to die and is on his way to the hospital. She started to cry a lot. We talked to her and asked her if she would like a blessing of comfort. My companion gave her a blessing. We told her we are missionaries for the Church and gave her a plan of Salvation pamphlet. She then told us that she was baptized a while ago but has not been active. She told us she needed to start going to Church again. We set up a time to visit her again this Thursday. Keep Digna in your prayers. Another incredible example that the spirit is literally guiding us exactly where we need to go at exactly the right time. 

I love you all so much. I hope those of you who went skiing today had a great time! Also all those who did other things. I hope you all have the best week ever. We are trying as hard as we can to get Renae and Marixa married this week and baptized but it may not be possible until next week. Pray that all will go smoothly. How'

s the work of salvation going back home? Keep being the best family ever. Count your blessings. Hasta luego! 

Love, Elder Conover

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