Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I don't have a toenail!

(Written 4/7/2014)

Buenas tardes Familia! 

Thank you all for your loving, and kind words each week! hope this email finds you all happy during the start of your spring break! I hope that each one of you felt the love of our Heavenly Father and the guidance and witness of the Holy Ghost during Conference, I did. 

General Conference almost felt like a dream for me it went by so fast! Definitely the fastest Genferal Conference of my life. I could have listened to the speakers all day! We all watched it in the Stake Center. All of us "gringos" were in the Stake Council room around the big table watching it in English. We had air conditioning and everything. It was super nice! Some of my favorite talks were the talk on Gratitude by President Uchtdorf, the talk about our Savior Jesus Christ by Elder Bednar, and the other talk about Jesus Christ by Elder Christopherson, I also really enjoyed the talk refering to the Olympics and how in this life we are in our "four minute perfomance" super awesome! I was deeply touched by the Spirit and I felt a stronger love for our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. My testimony has been strengthened. The Prophets and Apostles really give us the light we need to make it back Home in this dark World. I cannot wait until I can read and study the talks again! The bummer was a ton of our investigators who said they were going to go to the conference didn't! Only two went! I wanted them so badly to come because I knew how much the conference would impact their testimonies and strengthen their faith. Everyone has agency, but it's really hard to see the progression of people slow down or stop. I can't imagine the feeling of our Heavenly Father at times seing his children come so close to the truth or even come to know the truth and then giving up. I know that He never gives up hope for His children though because his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ WON! All people can repent and return if they have Faith in Jesus. 
Toe update: my ingrown toe nail was getting really bad again so I went to the doctor Friday morning and he took it out! It was quite fun! :) The injections hurt the most! He had to give me three huge shots right into my big toe. When he pulled the nail off I hardly felt a thing. I'm going to send a picture of how it looks now. Luckily I havnt had any passing out problems. ;) I had to rest on Friday after the operation and we drove to Conference Saturday and Sunday. I stayed in the Stake Center during all the breaks of conference. Today and until Friday I can walk but only with sandals and gauze around my toe. I also am taking antibiotics and putting this special cream on the part of my toe where I'm supposed to have a toe nail. :) It doesn't hurt to bad so I'm really grateful for that. Pray that my nail can grow quickly and normally. Another great experience here on the mission! haha

Next week we have changes which means I will probably be writing in the morning on Monday and possibly write again on Wednesday if I can. It's so crazy how fast this change has gone! I love you all so much! Have a super great spring break! I miss each and every one of you a lot! I am so grateful for you and to call you my family. We have Eternal Life to look forward to together. :) Roger Bannister the first who broke the 4 minute mile first had to have the hope and faith that he could do it. He then with focus and discipline had to pace himself perfectly using every ounce of his muscle and energy bursting through the finish line and falling into the hands of his fans. I challenge us all to run the race and finish strong! Falling into the arms of our greatest Fan, our loving older Brother Jesus Christ.Let us each give our whole heart, laying everything on the line to make it Home. TOGETHER. 

Love Elder Conover

I took this idea about Roger Bannister from a talk given to us as a hand out by Presient and Sister Klein; the talk is by Tad. R. Callister called Becoming Consecrated Missionaries. One of my all time favorite talks now. 

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