Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"I'm walking on sunshine!"

(Written 4/14/2014)

Eric was happy to report that he was not transferred on Wednesday. He is still with Elder Flores and is very happy to remain in his beautiful mountain area.

The mountain:) Almost everyday even right now we are up in the mountain. Best area ever.
HOLA!!!!!! Buenas Dias!!
Hi family! Thanks a ton for each of your kind emails. Depending on the circumstance of the change I will be able to write more on Wednesday. It's so fun for me to read your emails and hear of each of your adventures. That's so fun you guys went to the Zoo! I love the pictures that you sent.
All this last week I walked around with my sandals and gauze wrapped around my toe. I'm so grateful that I brought the nike sandals that I bought with Mom. I don't even think it was on the list, maybe I don't remember but it is definitely a blessing that I have these sandals. My feet would get really dirty everyday from walking the whole day on dirt roads and trails. My feet also got really tan. haha Each night I would wash my feet and put some more creme on my toe and then go to bed. Yesterday was my last day in sandals!!:) Today I'm finally wearing shoes and socks again. It feels so good! My toe nail has also started to grow really good. It's very interesting how the toe nail grows. It grows up out of the skin, not how I always thought it grew, growing forward out of the toe. Anyways I'm so happy that my toe is finally at peace and I don't have any pain neither do I have to walk around in sandals. :) It's a trial and adventure I'm grateful that I had though. I definitely appreciate my toe nails a looooot more now.
Everyday I'm learning from my studies, and most of all from being out serving. The mission really is a school for life. Sometimes it's hard but if it's not hard it's not worth it. I'm so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and for all that He did and does for me. I actually right now happen to be reading in Jesus the Christ about the last week of Jesus Christ's life which is this week. It's really cool to me how that worked out. :) Semana Santa is what this week is called here and in central America. All the kids don't have school and many don't have to go to work. I hope that I will get to talk to you again but if not Happy Easter!:) I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He is the Leader of His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The most important things that we learn in this life can be learned well by learning of Him and following His teachings.
We will find out who is being transfered tonight!! Crazy! I honestly don't want to leave this area yet but I know that whatever happens is directed by Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost. You are all in my prayers and I love you all so much.  Talk to you on Wednesday!:)
Love Elder Conover
My days walking in sandals!

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