Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I am learning more and more each day

Dear Family,

How is everyone doing? Thank you so much for each of your emails! Last Monday as we were traveling to Trujillo to go to the beach a truck filled with Honduras military stopped the bus and every male in the bus including us were told to get off the bus and line up against the side of the bus. I knew things like this happen in Honduras so even though I had no idea what was going on I just went with the flow. Us 4 elders were the last ones, at the end of the bus. Everyone put their hands up facing the bus and the military started checking everyone for guns and asking for ID. I was worried because I didn't have my Passport or anything because it was Pday and all of that is in my bag I normally carry but not on pdays. One of the military guys was looking at our name tags and told us he visits our church where he lives. For some reason I don't know by the time they got to us they told everyone to get back on the bus and didn't ask us or check us for anything! Turned out only to be a great blessing because I needed to take a leak really bad. :) haha [Editor's note:  I almost took this last sentence out, but those of you who understand the reference to one of Grandpa Cannon's quotes may get a kick out of it.] But seriously it could have been a very bad situation if they would have asked us for our passports. Great blessing! 

I had a great experience there in Trujillo sharing the gospel with a man from Oregon who has a house in Trujillo. He has had quite the rough life but has and is continually searching for God in his life. I bore my testimony of Joseph Smith, he told me "that is powerful". He told me he has a Book of Mormon. I told him to read it and ask God if it is true. It was a very spiritual experience. It's these little experiences that keep me going (my gasoline). I challenge you all to pray and have the same experiences back home.

Friday afternoon I started feeling very sick and by that night I was super sick! We were doing divisions so I was with Elder Guzman and spending the night with him. I was so sick we had to stop teaching and go home. I had bad diarrhea, fever, headache, and threw up once. Elder Guzman gave me a blessing and was a great nurse. I tried to sleep as much as I could and by lunch Saturday I was feeling quite a bit better. I'm so happy Heavenly Father blessed me to be healthy enough to be able to baptize Astrid! My companion baptized Nikole and I baptized Astrid. They are the sisters of Lester, the young man Elder Suazo baptized. It was great! Afterwords I went home and Elder Monterosa stayed with me while I rested more because I was not in condition to visit people. Elder Cruz and Elder Guzman went around and visited different investigators and members. Sunday morning I felt a lot better and made it to Church. I was able to go around Sunday. Which was great! That night Brother Ortega gave me three lemons and told me to squeeze all the juice out and drink the straight lemon juice with this one pill. That night I drank that (man was it sour!) and today I am almost back to full health. 

Not yesterday but the week before I played the piano for the hymns during sacrament meeting. Finally the branch brought out the keyboard they have had the whole time! We brought it home with us yesterday in the Ortegas truck and I am going to practice this week. I plan to keep playing each Sunday! I'm happy with this opportunity to improve my piano skills and learn more hymns!:)  [and his parents are thrilled that all those years are paying off!]

The Work of Salvation is covering the earth. Please share the Gospel back home.  

This Saturday we have interviews with President Klein! This also may be my last full week with Elder Cruz! This change has flown by! We are going to finish strong this week! I am learning more and more each day. I am trying to have a good attitude and focus on one day at a time. If you guys want to have a goal with me I am focusing on one Christlike attribute from Preach my Gospel each month. This month, Faith! It is great! I am learning each day! I also challenge anyone to beat my sit up time for 100 sit ups, 4:35 right now. ;) I love you all so much and hope you have a great week! Let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to share. I will let you know how things go this week!:) Search, Ponder, Pray. Ether 5 is a great chapter to study. I love you all so much! Keep being so wonderful. I am so grateful for each one of you.

Love Elder Conover

Pictures from the baptism: Astrid and Nikole Contreres. I do not look good in these pictures but that's alright. Astrid is 10 and Nikole 8. We are hoping with time we will be able to help convert their parents and whole family! They and their family have become great friends of mine. 

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