Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Building the Kingdom of God is a joyful thing‏ June 9, 2014

Hey Family!

Thank you all so much for your kind letters. I love hearing from you every week. Summer sounds awesome. Keep having a blast!

Things are going good here. I am trying hard to improve in a lot of areas. I am so grateful for every moment I feel the Spirit and the peace and joy that comes when I do.

Tuesday morning I led my first District meeting. It was a very good experience. I chose to lead a discussion about relying on the Spirit. We talked and read many scriptures about how crucial it is that we do all that we do as missionaries with the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Where we go, who we talk to, what we say, etc. gratefully can all be influenced by the gift of the Holy Ghost. If we are worthy/obedient, have faith in Jesus Christ, study the scriptures, and pray earnestly we will have the Holy Ghost as our companion in every aspect of the work. Something that the spirit put into my mind as I was teaching is that all of this is equally true for our entire life not just here on the mission. I shared that these are things we must learn for our life not only for here. We also talked about the importance of teaching for the needs of the investigators, not just teaching lessons. At the end of the meeting I bore my testimony of Jesus Christ, the Church, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and this work. I felt the spirit bearing witness to me and re-testifying that these things are true. It was a very special meeting.

On Wednesday the Bishop went and visted with us from 3-9:20. He is so dedicated and great to give a huge part of his day to share the gospel.  It was awesome! He is a very powerful teacher and it was a great blessing to have him with us. Our last lesson was with Christopher, we held the lesson in Miriam's house. We started the lesson asking Christopher if he had recieved an answer to his prayer. He told us that he had and started crying. As he spoke the spirit entered the room so strongly. He told us that he has been praying and asking Heavenly Father if the Church is true and that earlier in the day he was riding home from San Pedro Sula in the bus and he felt a great peace and felt so happy and blessed with his new job. He told us that he felt like Heavenly Father was sitting right next to him. It was one of the most beautiful and spiritual experiences in my mission hearing Christopher tell this story. We all were enlightened and blessed. My testimony was strengthened. Christopher has recieved a powerful testimony of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ. He has gladly received the invitation to be baptized. His baptism date was for the 21st of June and may still be but we told him we would be happy to prepare him faster now that he has received a testimony and move his date for this saturday the 14th. Tonight he is going to  tell us what date he feels is right. What a blessing it is to be involved in the conversion of Miriam and Christopher. If I could only count the experiences and fruits of our labor with just Miriam, the whole mission would be worth it. Its just like the scripture in D&C 18:15-16: 15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!

This work is the most amazing thing, I cannot explain it with words.

We had the baptism of Alejandra on Saturday! It was great! Sister Yolanda was also baptized by Elder Wilson and Elder Rodriguez. Today we played some basketball outside of the church on the court. It was a lot of fun. Good to shoot some hoops.:) Things are going good with my companion. We are learning and growing everyday. I love you all so much. Keep serving with all your might in the work of salvation. Each one of you can help bring souls into the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Doing temple work, sharing the gospel, and being a "light unto the world" and a friend to all are a few of the greatest ways we can build the Kingdom of God here on the Earth and in Heaven.

Love Elder Conover

P.S I'm really sorry I couldnt write to each one of you individually today. I love each of you so much. Thank you for your emails. That is crazy Steven and Austin are coming home! Wow. Tell Tiann congrates! That is so great! Keep having a great summer all of you!:)

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