Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Monday, November 16, 2015

Crazy pigs, spies, and working hard

June 1, 2015

Hey family!
I LOVE YOU! Happy start to SUMMER! I am so happy to hear that you all are enjoying your summer. I'm especially happy for you Matthew graduating from High School! Wahooo! Way to go! Emily, I'm so happy you are having the best summer ever! Sounds like you are having quite the adventures! :) A.J, nice job on the mtn bike! You are a stud. I'm glad you didn't get hurt too bad when you fell. I think it's awesome you are going off sugar for the summer. Great goal! Miriam and Abby, Have a blast at Nauvoo! You will love your first plane ride! :) I remember when Matthew and I went. It was a great experience. Dad and Mom thank you for always strengthening me with your strong testimonies and love. Thanks for always leading our family in righteousness. Brothers and sisters please enjoy and be grateful for family scrips, FHE, prayer, and dinner together. When away from home you will look back and these will be some of the greatest memories. Enjoy every moment with the family. I love you all so much and you are always in my prayers.
This last week went really great! We were able to find many new investigators, many of which seem really open to receive the gospel. One afternoon we were walking in the street and out of no where three boys with ropes tied to the necks of huge pigs came running down the street! They were running and whipping the pigs and the pigs were runnning fast! It was so random and funny. :) Right after this we found a man named Alan Mayes who has been less active for around 20 yrs. He was really happy to receive us. Christian the recent convert has been going out with us in the afternoon to visit. He has a great testimony. We put a baptism date with his Mom and Dad (Bro and Sis Mejia Carbahal) for July 4th. They have many obstacles in front of them but they are willing to work towards this goal. We are so happy for this family.
Yesterday we were on divisions with the Assistants. I went to their area with Elder Parraga from Ecuador. It was a good experience! We were contacting a house and two little kids came out and we started talking to them. We asked them if they could have their parents come to the door so the little boy ran inside, we heard him talking to a man and the man said that we are spies! hahaha the little boy came back out and went to the little girl and whispered in her ear ¨shhh they're spies¨haha we were laughing so hard! We told the little boy that we represent Jesus Christ and only want to share a short message about Him so the little boy ran back inside. They didn't let us in but it was a really funny experience. :)
This week we are going to go all out! Right after we finish writing here our super week begins! This morning we helped a family move. They are less active. It was great! WE ARE PUMPED! Our goal is to find 50 new investigators this week! I love you all so much! Hope you have a super week as well and that you too can find opportunties to share the gospel! I know the Savior Jesus Christ lives. I know that He knows us and can help us change for the better.
Love Elder Conover

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