Mount Timpanogos Temple

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Monday, November 16, 2015

The super week!

June 8, 2015

Hey family!

This last week went really good! We set incredibly high goals and we didn't reach all of them but we did have great results. We were able to find many new investigators to teach, we helped two families move homes, and the happiest part was Christian Mejia our recent convert baptised Abigail! A girl that his aunt takes care of. Abby lives in an extra room behind Christian's house. She is basically a sister to him. The Aunt that takes care of her is named Iris and she was less active but now she has gone two Sundays in a row! The baptism went really good. It was very spiritual and there was lots of family and friend support. Christian also blessed the sacrament yesterday for the first time. He now goes to church with a white shirt and tie. It is so special to watch the converts progress in the gospel. Fanny Días another convert (the young women who went to the temple) bore her testimony yesterday. Her testimony has grown so much! The girl we baptised a couple months ago named Laura gave a talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost at Abby's baptism. It was awesome! Laura's less active brother Josue Manuel also for the first time all my time here made it to church on Sunday! The work is going great! :) 

I am so glad to hear that you are all having a great Summer! As I type this it is pouring rain outside. It's really nice to have a break from the heat. Today we went to Progresso and I bought some new shoes to work in. Sadly the shoes I bought in Ceiba are worn out now and I have blisters on my feet because the sole of the shoe is all worn out. I had to buy new shoes. I found a pair of black and a pair of brown shoes. They seem pretty good and I was able to get them both for 45 dollars. It was hurting to walk so it feels really nice having new shoes! :) I also saw Henry (our convert when I was in Jazmines) while we were there walking in the street. It was awesome to see him! 

This wednesday we have transfers. My companion Elder Monterrosa heads home to Guatamala Thursday morning. The chances of me being transferred are basically zero. I wonder who my new companion will be?! I can't believe how fast time flies by. I LOVE YOU all so much. Keep having a super great summer! 

Love Elder Conover

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